Budzinski, Brownley Introduce Bill to Codify VA Veterans Experience Office, Gather Veteran Feedback on VA Services

Sep 25, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Nikki Budzinksi (IL-13) and Congresswoman Julia Brownley (CA-26) introduced the Improving Veterans Experience Act to codify the Veterans Experience Office (VEO) within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The VEO, established in 2015, gathers feedback directly from veterans, their families and caregivers on their experience with VA services. The VEO has been crucial to improving veterans’ trust in VA outpatient care, enhancing the VA Health and Benefits Mobile App and expanding outreach to women veterans. 

“There is no better way to improve VA services than to hear from the veterans, family members and caregivers who are navigating the process firsthand,” said Congresswoman Budzinski. “Too often, a lack of trust, complicated documents and confusing processes discourage veterans from reaching out for the help they need. By giving veterans a voice and putting their insights into action, the VEO has been instrumental in making VA services more accessible. Veterans can only receive the excellent care they deserve when their feedback is prioritized and I’m proud to introduce this legislation alongside Congresswoman Brownley to ensure the VEO can continue to build trust and improve veterans’ experiences with the VA.”

“As a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, one of my primary goals has been to ensure our nation’s veterans have access to the timely, high-quality care they are entitled to. By codifying the Veterans Experience Office, the VA can continue to carry out its mission to provide the highest quality customer experience when delivering care, benefits, and memorial services to veterans and their families. I applaud Congresswoman Budzinski’s leadership and commitment to fulfilling the solemn promise of serving our veterans as well as they have served our country,” said Congresswoman Brownley, Ranking Member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Health Subcommittee.

In 2016, the VEO helped launch the first VA-wide customer experience survey to collect feedback on the ease, effectiveness and emotional resonance of VA services. According to the VA, veteran trust in the agency has increased by 25% since the survey was established, reaching all-time highs. In 2018, the VEO overhauled the VA website after hearing extensive feedback from veterans that it was difficult to use. 

As a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, Congresswoman Budzinski has worked to improve veterans’ access to VA services throughout her time in Congress. On April 9, 2024 she introduced the bipartisan Clear Communication for Veterans Affairs Act to make VA communications simpler and easier to understand for veterans and their families. The bill passed the House in September with unanimous support.

The Veterans Experience Office Act is endorsed by Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA). 

“The Veterans Experience Office (VEO) serves as the customer experience engine reflecting the voice of the veteran. Since its establishment in 2015, veterans trust in the VA has increased by 25%, reaching all-time highs. DAV thanks Rep. Budzinski for introducing the ‘Improving Veterans’ Experience Act of 2024,’ which would codify the VEO within the VA and allow it to continue collecting essential feedback from veterans, their families and caregivers on how to enhance VA services,” said Joy Ilem, National Legislative Director of Disabled American Veterans.

Full text of the Improving Veterans’ Experience Act can be found here


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